Five Facts About Leukemia

Most of the time, TV and movies get it wrong about cancer. They make a lot of false assumptions about cancers being always terminal and patients dying from it. Some films even claim that there is no cure for cancer. Blood cancer is a popular type of cancer in entertainment.
The common perception of blood cancer is that it is a terminal condition and the patient will die. This is false. Leukemia or blood cancer is a form of cancer that affects white blood cells. A timely diagnosis and the right treatment can help manage blood cancers and even cure them in some cases.
HCG Cancer Hospital is home to a large number of BMT specialists and hematologists who have extensive experience in providing the best treatment. It is also a top-rated hospital for treating malignant blood disorders.
These are five facts that many people don’t know about leukemia.
FACT 1 – There are Different Types Of Leukemia
Different types of leukemia can be treated differently. Because there are many types of leukemia and each one requires a different treatment plan, this is why not all cases can be treated the same way. Each patient’s health status will affect the treatment plan.
There are four types of leukemia:
Acutely Lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), This form of leukemia is more common among children. It can be caused by T-lymphocytes, or B-lymphocytes. This condition requires immediate treatment.
Acute myeloid Leukemia, (AML),:AML is when myeloid cells begin to divide abnormally. Myeloid cells are responsible to the production of red blood cell, certain white blood cells (not lymphocytes) and platelets. Adults are more likely to experience this condition and should seek immediate medical attention.
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, (CLL):CLL is when lymphocytes start to divide abnormally. This condition may not need immediate treatment as it progresses slowly. This condition is more common among older adults.
CML (chronic myeloid leukemia):An abnormal division of myeloid cell leads to CML. CML is slower than AML. CML patients live many years.
FACT 2 – Both children and adults can get leukemia
Leukemia can be found in both children and adults. Some types are more common among children than others, while some are more common among adults. Acute leukemias tend to be more common in children than chronic leukemias in adults.
Smoking, smoking, radiation exposure, history of chemotherapy, radiation exposure, certain blood disorders and rare congenital conditions are all risk factors for leukemia.
The leukemia treatment plans are based on the following: the type of leukemia, the stage at which the disease is occurring, the patient’s overall health, and the risk factors that may be associated with the diagnosis.
FACT 3 – There is no way to prevent or screen for leukemia
It is impossible to control most of the risk factors associated this condition.
Patients cannot control the factors such as blood disorders, rare congenital conditions, family history of leukemia or chemotherapy. There is currently no way to prevent leukemia. Individuals may reduce their risk of developing leukemia by quitting smoking and reducing their exposure to chemicals such as pesticides.
There is no standard screening protocol for leukemia, unlike breast cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer. Despite years of research, there is no current screening test for leukemia.
A complete blood count (CBC), which can be used to determine if WBC, RBC and platelets levels are normal, may be performed. If they are outside the normal range, it’s important to consult a doctor for appropriate medical attention.
FACT 4 – Leukaemia can be treated
Many people believe that leukemia can’t be treated. This is false. There are many options for leukaemia treatment. These are the most common treatment options for leukemia:
Stem Cell Transplantation This procedure replaces damaged stem cells with healthy, leukemia-free ones. To kill leukemia cells and stem cells producing them, chemotherapy or radiation is used before stem cell transplantation. This procedure is often used to help patients with long-lasting remission.
Chemotherapy In chemotherapy, strong chemo drugs are used to kill the leukemia cells. These drugs can be given orally, intravenously or by infusion.
Radiation Therapy: Radiotherapy uses powerful X/ray/proton beams to kill leukemia cells. Radiation therapy can be used to treat a specific area of the body with high levels of leukemia cells or the whole body (whole-body radiation treatment).
Targeted therapy: Targeted treatment is recommended for patients who have failed to respond to standard therapies. This treatment destroys cancer cells by targeting specific anomalies. This treatment does not cause any damage to healthy tissue because it only targets cancer cells.
Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy stimulates a patient’s immune system to destroy leukemia cells. Patients with leukemia may also benefit from immunotherapy.
Some types of leukemia require immediate treatment. However, for others, there is no need to immediately treat. Therefore, active surveillance and watchful waiting are recommended.
FACT 5 – Leukemia can be detected early and has a high survival rate
Yes, it is possible to treat leukemia early and patients can live many years after treatment.
There are no standard screening methods for leukemia. Individuals should be aware of possible signs and symptoms.
Leukemia symptoms include fever, chills, bleeding and bruising, extreme weakness and unintentional weight gain, frequent infections, swelling of lymph nodes, red patches on the skin and excessive sweating.
These symptoms do not necessarily mean you have leukemia. If these symptoms persist for longer than two weeks, you should get tested.
HCG Cancer Centre has a team of experienced hematologists who are skilled in diagnosing and recommending appropriate treatment plans. This blood treatment plan is designed to preserve the quality of life for patients both during and after treatment.
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Bottom Note
This article will give you an overview of leukemia. It is important to remember that leukemia patients should never lose heart. Research and better treatments have made it possible for most people with leukemia to live normal lives.